Lentils & Carrots

Sticking to this week's budget has so far been relatively easy, partly, I think, because it's suddenly turned so hot. Talk about extremes in weather! One day I'm looking for socks and digging out winter gear and the next I'm trying to squeeze back into summer dresses. It's going to hit 32 degrees in London today, so have decided to work from home in the (relative) coolness of my garden.

Last night's budget meal was a very wholesome lentil and carrot curry (more of a dhal really) with wholemeal chapattis. Made with red lentils, onion, garlic, ginger and spices this uses up the remaining spinach and some of the carrots and provides enough for lunch today.

M had leftover miso soup for lunch yesterday and I had some fish and a quick potato salad with some added green beans (leftover from Sunday's roast). The remaining cold chicken will be added to a brown rice pilaff tonight. The fridge is starting to look a little bare but so far there has been no waste and no additional expenditure on food. I've started to plan next week's menu ready for the weekly shop on Saturday and already have a little collection of coupons to reduce the bill.


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