Winter drags on....

During the final days of February we almost forgot the winter the weather was so unusually warm. Girls appeared in T shirts and summer tops, coats were discarded, trains were stiflingly too hot. However, colder weather has returned for early March and the rain hasn't stopped all day.

Have finished the elf slippers (free on They were huge when knitted and would have fitted a five year old and not a new born but felting certainly shrunk them about 50%. Still a little too big but I'm quite happy how they've turned out.


.......and after felting!

Instagram is proving to be a very successful distraction from boring work, so lots of food photos have been posted. In some ways it's making me a lot me thoughtful about what I eat so maybe it's a good thing? Here is our curry from last night......

Homemade Chicken Vindaloo, masala potatoes and spinach, aubergine pickle, brown rice and chapatti

M has been busy working the last few days so I have been able to indulge my absolute addiction to tinned and preserved fish for lunch with no complaints!

Tinned sardines on sourdough bread with chilli (so greedy to eat I don't bother toasting!)

Pickled herring, apple, beetroot & warm potato salad with a mustard viniagrette


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