I love Easter!

I love Easter, it means so much more to me than Christmas or any other holiday period in the whole year. I think it's because no matter what your religion (whether you celebrate Passover, Christian Easter or worship the pagan goddess Eostre) this is a time to celebrate the arrival of Spring (although here in the UK, 2013 seems to have forgotten this and it actually snowed!). It's also (despite the best effects of the chocolate industry and a 'warren' of bunnies within the shops) a less consumer led affair than the main event in December and so there is less pressure on everyone to buy, buy, buy, in fact, it feels like the emphasis is on the hand made.

One of my favourite traditions for this time of year is that of hot cross buns, traditionally eaten on Good Friday. Despite their Christian connotations they have a much longer tradition that precedes the arrival of Christianity on these shores. Having scoffed a fair few packets of ready made varieties I decided to make my own with delicious results, (just!) enough to last the weekend.

Easter Sunday was spent at my Mum's eating a very tender stuffed leg of lamb with Boulangere potatoes, carrots, broccoli and roast parsnips. I love being in my Mum's kitchen, it feels like home, full of love and comfort with proper meals eaten at the table. To help out, I made the dessert, a citrussy St Clement's Cake with oranges and lemons (gluten free too as it was made with ground almonds and polenta). I tried to be clever using a Rob Ryan card as a stencil for the icing sugar but the design was a little too intricate to deliver. Never mind, it tasted fine and that is all that matters.

Because of a mad cap Easter scheme I also 'blew' an egg with ambitious designs on decorating the empty shell. I did this regularly as a girl but obviously forgot just how hard it was! After hours spent huffing and puffing over one egg I decided it was a lost cause, respect to my younger self!


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