Taking stock of Winter 2018

2018 has been a bit of difficult year of sad family occasions; stressful job and BIG life decisions, particularly over the last 6 months (writing posts on here has had to take a bit of a back seat). Taking a leaf from Pip Lincoln's lovely friendly blog Meet Me at Mike's here is my 'taking stock' list for this winter, a chance for me to reflect more than anything.

Relaxing in front of the fire ©bighomebird

Making: Re-inventing an experimental knitting block into a cushion cover (not wasting a thing) and enjoying the rhythmic mindfulness of simple stocking stitch. Exactly what the doctor ordered in times of stress and helping me find my knitting mojo again. Also lots of mini mittens (see my previous post) and lots of other little things too. Crafting is good for the soul.
Cooking: Batch cooking lentils for simple thrifty meals, infusing crab apples in rum with honey and ginger, finding endless uses for pumpkin and cabbage.
Drinking: Probably too much coffee, but a lot less wine and lots and lots of Pukka tea.
Listening to: Lots of Charles Aznavour, following the sad news of his death earlier this year.
Reading: Currently Seven Lives and One Great Love: Memoirs of a Cat by Lena Divani, a beautiful story that every cat lover would understand.
Next Read: Hoping to read Hidden Nature: A voyage of discovery by Alys Fowler.
Wanting: Peace and quiet times for reflection and creativity.
Looking: Trying to notice the little things.
Playing: Finding lots of fun with Sid the cat and a screwed up ball of paper.
Deciding: A LOT of big stuff but it feels good to make decisions.
Wishing: That I had more time, like pretty much everyone I know.
Enjoying: Cosy winter evenings in front of the fire.
Waiting: Waiting, waiting and waiting...all in good time, I must have patience.
Liking: An unexpected day off from the daily grind, it feels so good to step off the treadmill.
Wondering: Whether my plans for 2019 will happen.
Loving: That the nights will start getting lighter after the 21st December, this time of year can be a struggle.
Pondering: See wondering above.
Considering: Going officially vegetarian (even though I am practically one already).
Buying: Nothing (and being quite successful too).
Watching: Killing Eve, The Cry and The Little Drummer Girl have been totally fab and so good to have strong female roles.
Current watch: Currently, The Sinner and enjoying this too.
Hoping: That things will get a little easier.
Cringing: At my disastrous first attempts at facial waxing, just don't laugh! Frida, I should have followed your lead, now I have a rash and a moustache.
Needing: Nothing but peace and quiet.
Questioning: My constant ever present anxiety and trying to still my unquiet mind with a little Headspace.
Smelling: Woodsmoke in the winter evening air.
Wearing: Mainly my absolute favourite bright sunshine yellow cardigan mostly.
Following: Jofabi on Instagram and her life of cats and self sufficiency.
Worrying: Mainly about Sid the cat who has just been diagnosed with diabetes but I won't deny about a whole host of other stuff too.
Noticing: The slow down in the garden but the ever present signs of life re-emerging too.
Knowing: That things will get better.
Thinking: Too much, too hard and too long, trying to clear my thoughts.
Admiring: This dress from M&S but resisting the urge to splurge.
Sorting: Through books, clothes and 'stuff' in an attempt to de-clutter.
Getting: My shit together (slowly)!
Bookmarking: Beetroot soup recipes, this one is the next I intend to make.
Coveting: This gorgeous scarf idea on Loop London's web site (and to be honest everything else on their web site too).
Disliking: The constant negative news.
Opening: Beautiful and thoughtful cards from creative friends.
Giggling: At Sid in his crazy half hour.
Feeling: Overwhelmed at times to be perfectly honest.
Snacking: Manomasa tortilla chips, too more-ish for their own good!
Hearing: Flocks of geese flying over the house on their migratory journeys.

Have a wonderfully warm, merry and creative Christmas everyone, see you in 2019 x


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