Hello 2017!

I'm back! It's been too long I know. The latter part of last year got a little fraught work wise, which, combined with some negative world politics and a huge dose of winter sadness made me go into hibernation for a while but Spring is here, the daffodils are blooming, it's time to get back in action!

Ten Stitch Blanket ©bighomebird

It's actually  FREEZING whilst I type this and snow is forecast next week, so not exactly Spring like but you can sense the movement of the seasons in the air. Mornings are slowly becoming lighter and the birds are in full song each morning. Everywhere things are sprouting in the garden, even if it's only at a snail's pace now, the race for growth will become frantic around April and May. I've been knitting my odds and ends of wool into a Ten Stitch Blanket. It's pleasingly meditative, round and round with changing colours, growing larger by the day. The cat is eyeing this up as a future snooze place but at the moment he is content to daze in front of the fire.

Origami butterflies ©bighomebird

I've been playing around with colour and pattern in paper too, making a cloud of origami butterflies. It won't be long before these insects wake from their own slumber and I'll find them fluttering against the conservatory window in the early morning sun. Spring is on her way....


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