Baking Update

So by now we all know the outcome of the Great British Bake Off 2015 and a huge congratulations to Nadiya for not only baking some fantastic cakes but also being the first contestant to make me sob during the announcement of the winners. How could you not when watching the sheer delight of her family? Time now for an update on my first tiny foray into the world of competitive baking.

Chocolate and walnut tart ©bighomebird

Week 7 - Chocolate Tart

Week 7 was my last chance to get into the final for the show stopper round. With probably less chocolate than the challenge intended I entered a rather indulgent walnut and chocolate tart but sadly I didn't come close to some of the other delicious looking entries. Still, it's been fun and I can console myself that it was judged by looks alone. Maybe I might just enter myself into a real baking contest!

The concluding week of the competition was for all of those who had won one of the weekly challenges. There are some pretty spectacular bakes amongst the winners, check them out here. Now I think it's time for a little less calories...


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