The Tale of Sid and Nancy

Regular readers will know that late last year, a mature gentleman with stripes and whiskers came to share our home. Sidney had come upon hard times and was feeling a little sorry for himself, a little out of sorts and lonely.

Sidney has a secret friend called Nancy (as we have started to call her), a rather bedraggled and scruffy looking toy mouse who is more than a little rough around the edges. We don't know the history of Nancy but she was given to us as part of Sid's belongings when we collected him from the rescue centre (yes, our cat came with personal luggage). We didn't know just quite how much Nancy meant to Sid until she went missing one day and he spent hours and hours meowing and searching for her.

Every time one of us leaves the house Sid fetches Nancy from her bed and brings her to the front door and every time we come home we pick her up and return her carefully to bed. Sid always gives her a kiss goodnight, he likes to know where she is and gets a little panicky when she's not in the normal place.

Sid has settled in very well and looks pretty happy (although his technique for using the cat flap probably needs a bit of practice) and Nancy has a regular spot sleeping above his cat basket. Let's hope she stays safe and sound!


  1. Aw, this is melting my heart. Lovely Sid! My cat Missy came with a toy that we were told was from her old home and that she liked it a lot. I kept trying to play with her using the toy, but she just didn't want it. It made me really sad because I was thinking how upset she must be to be moving from her original home to her foster family and then in with us, not wanting anything to do with her favourite toy.

    1. It would be nice in a way to know more of their history. I think we sometimes forget that they must be so heartbroken to be left, it definitely takes a while for their full characters to come out. Sid had a lovely foster family but it still meant that he was in a caged run and he had quite a fierce reputation but he's actually a real softie!

  2. I think Mister Sid has found a home that will love him so very much. He is a rather handsome chap, isn't he. Elinor x

    1. Everyone in the family keeps telling him he's a lucky cat! Our last cat, Steve, was famous for being very spoilt.


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